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Minggu, 24 April 2016

Kaluman - Kaluman CD 2014

Kaluman - Kaluman
Independent CD 2014

01 Prelude to Hell 03:32   
02 Eksekusi Mati 03:18   
03 Bunuh Membunuh 04:00   
04 Festival Kematian 03:58   
05 Altar Prostitusi 04:51   
06 Pembantaian Norma-Norma Tuhan 04:26   
07 Global Genocide 05:46   
08 Ujung Mata Pisau    05:08   
09 Membusuk Menjadi Sampah 04:41

" DM era 90 an jauh lebih bagus dari fenomena DM modern sekarang yang terlalu tricky !! We will bring the good old days now ! " adalah Rangkuman Deskripsi Konsep Musik Kaluman menjadi lebih mengganyang dan berbeda dari kebanyakan band tanah air Mengusung Genre ini, sehingga memang sejak awal gw menaruh perhatian khusus sejak band ini merilis independen " Promo CD 2012 " saat band Proyek Monster ini dibentuk dari beberapa Death Metal Populer di Bandung Scene. So Mau Tau bagaimana Memainkan Konsep " Slammy Groovy Death Metal " yang sebenarnya terdengar lebih baik ? Tentu Gw rekomendasikan untuk mendengar album full S/t with Dynamic tempo, blast beats, split time grinding, heavy crunch mid low distortions, heavy low bass, grunt and gutural vocals blend in one !!! tentunya kita masih begitu ingat dengan Tendangan Mematikan Band2 Slamming Pendahulu yang banyak mempengaruhi secara Musikalitas, Nama Vomit Remnants, Internal Bleeding, Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Deaden hingga Devourment adalah sebagai Benang merah perjalanan Musikalitas Kaluman Membentuk 9 Track-nya disini. Memainkan Brutal Death Metal tidak harus mendominasi Beat Part yang Cepat saja, Karena Belenggu Persepsi seperti itu harus perlahan kita Telaah kembali secara Dewasa. its About Xtreme Music, But Mean for Fast Part ! terus yang menjadi poin plus dan acungan dua jempol disini adalah Komposisi Lagu yang tertata rapi membentuk barisan Struktur musik yang Catchy dan Easy Listening, sebuah Metode Konvensional sudah sangat ditinggalkan Band2 sekarang yang terlalu memegang Kesan " Wah " nya saja tanpa memikirkan Aspek " Nikmat "nya sebuah Lagu itu sebenarnya bagaimana. " Prelude to Hell " memang menjadi Ritual Foreplay Pertama Kaluman Menyusun Strategi Peregangan Semua Otot dalam tubuh agar siap menikmati Sajian Utamanya. Opening Track yang sudah akan membawa kita kembali di Era DM 90-an banget, dan Kalian ga perlu langsung Secara cepat Mereaksi-kan dalam Adrenalin untuk Melakukan Moshpit tapi cukup Headbang sambil menikmatinya hehehe. sludgy "CHUN... CHUN... CHUN..." break. There are some blasting sections with mostly inaudible tremolo riffing, lots of midpaced, hardcore-inspired grooves, and lots of guttural, somewhat burping growls. There's also a constant procession of start/stop chug riffs over double bass that all sound pretty much exactly like each other. " Eksekusi Mati " adalah Hidangan Utama dimana Bertemunya Ego band dengan masing2 Konsep telah menjadi Kesenangan Bermusik tanpa sebuah Intimidasi Kaku apa yang ingin dituangkan dalam sebuah Ide, semuanya mengalir Begitu Natural. Di Kaluman Tidak mengenal Batasan Menuntut Skill pada band sebelumnya harus mendarah daging kembali dalam arteri Proyek yang sudah sejak awal sepakat mengusung konsep ini. Bagaimana Duet Down Tune Sludgy Slam antara Gitaris Ferly dan Daniel lebih banyak menjadi sebuah " Mata " bagi Drummer Abas Meng-konek-kan Feel & Lick menjadi Sesuatu yang " Slam Groovy Death Metal ". It's got that mid to low level studio production of a lot of mid-'90s DM groups, with decent sounding drumming, somewhat submerged vocals, and way overly distorted guitars recorded at too high a volume to preserve any modicum of tone. Progres Breakdown Tune Riff yang simple namun cukup ampuh membuat terus Kepala Gw Headbang ! Perpaduan Growl dan Screaming menjadi karakter vokalis Aris Membentuk Aransemen yang lebih " Menonjok " lagi.  " Bunuh Membunuh " Kemudian masih menjadi Serial Killer Track yang terus memamerkan komposisi Slam Groovy Ciamik ! memang sekilas terdengar simple, tapi Gw jamin, Trik ini malah menjadi bagian yang Paling sulit dalam Penciptaannya. Bukan pekara mudah seh untuk dapat membentuk Rangkaian Lagu yang simple tapi memuat Dasyat Reaksi Pendengarnya merasa Enjoy dari sekedar Menikmati Dentuman cepat irama Death Metal. Seakan tidak kehabisan Ide membuat Sentuhan Cathy dan Easy-nya, " Festifal Kematian " berikutnya tetap menjadi Sajian yang Menyita Konsentrasi Adrenalin untuk merespon dengan Enjoy ! you know, hear the difference between notes, preventing coherent riffs from being composed. This alone pretty much damns the Material from ever being in regular rotation from me really was a promising start. dan " Altar Prostitusi " tentu sudah dikenal banget sejak dikenalkan pada " Promo CD 2012 " kini dimainkan kembali bersama " Membusuk Menjadi Sampah " tentu dengan Sentuhan yang lebih Membunuh bersama 9 Track disini. Seakan memang Internal Bleeding Hadir menyiksa Pendengaran gw lewat " Pembantaian Norma-Norma Tuhan ", lebih agresif dan menonjok lewat Bantaian Slam Breakdown Beat mantap ! Remember how it became the prototypical breakdown for just about every NYDM song that came out for, oh, a decade after it? Well, Internal Bleeding was clearly riding that wave hard, because every track has that same ! Raungan Growl Aris mungkin makin Di ambang Feel-nya, apalagi Lekik an Scream Insane Vokalnya sungguh Menyiksa ! Seakan Tanpa Kenal lelah Kaluman Menyuguhkan di 9 Komposisi, Rangkaian Bait Hitam Groove Death Metal Fantastis, Kita memang di Manjakan sekali dengan Suguhan Matang Dinamis ini. Sound & Produksi yang Lebih baik lagi semakin menyempurnakan Rilisan Full perdana ini menjadi sebuah Masterpiece yang Wajib dan Serius Untuk Para True Slammer Death Metal. The performance/production: Decent and dissapointing, respectively !!!

" DM 90 's era is much better than DM modern phenomenon too tricky ! ! We will bring the good old days now ! " Concept is a summary description devour Music Kaluman become more and different than most bands of this genre Carrying homeland , so does from the beginning i pay particular attention since the band released independently " Promo CD 2012 " when the band was formed Monster project from some Popular Bandung Death Metal Scene . So how Mau Tau Play Concept " Slammy Groovy Death Metal " which actually sounds better ? Of Gw recommend to hear the full album S / T with Dynamic tempo , blast beats , split time grinding , heavy distortions low mid crunch , heavy low bass , vocals gutural grunt and blend in one ! ! ! so of course, we still remember the kick Deadly band2 Slamming predecessor musicality that much influence , Name Vomit Remnants , Internal Bleeding , Suffocation , Dying Fetus , Devourment is Deaden up as a red thread journey musicality Kaluman Forming 9 Track it here . Plays Brutal Death Metal does not have to dominate Beat Fast Part A , Due Shackles perception as it should slowly we re Assessing Adult . its About Xtreme Music , But Mean for Part Fast ! continues that a plus point and two thumbs up here is a neat song composition forming a line structure Catchy music and Easy Listening , a conventional method already abandoned band2 now too hold Impression " Wow " aspect of her without thinking of " favors " his a song that is actually how . " Prelude to Hell " has become a ritual foreplay First Kaluman Develop Strategies Stretch all muscles in the body to be ready to enjoy Primarily dish . Opening track that already will bring us back in the 90's Era DM really , and You do not need direct Quickly react to adrenaline - Doing it in the moshpit but quite Headbang while enjoying hehehe . sludgy " ... CHUN CHUN CHUN ... ... " break . There are some sections with mostly inaudible blasting tremolo riffing , lots of midpaced , hardcore - inspired grooves , and lots of Guttural , somewhat burping growls . There 's also a constant procession of start / stop Chug over double bass riffs that all sound pretty much exactly like each other . " Execution Dead " is the main dish in which the band Ego Meets with masing2 concept has become a musical pleasure without a Rigid Intimidation what you want poured in an idea , everything is flowing So Natural . In Kaluman not know the limits Demand Skill in previous bands should ingrained back in arteries that have been since the beginning of the Project agreed to carry this concept . How to Tune Down Duet Slam Sludgy between guitarist Daniel Ferly and more into an " eye " for Abas Drummer Meng - conn - Feel & Lick it into something that is " Groovy Slam Death Metal " . It's got that mid to low-level studio production of a lot of mid - '90s DM groups , with decent sounding drumming , somewhat submerged vocals , and way overly distorted guitars recorded at too high a volume to preserve any modicum of tone . Progress Breakdown Riff Tune is simple yet powerful enough to make continued Gw Head Headbang ! The combination of growls and screaming into the character vocalist Aris Arrangement Establishing a more " punch " again . " Kill Kill " Later still be a Serial Killer Track continues to flaunt composition ciamik Groovy Slam ! glance it sounds simple , but Gw assure you , this trick instead become the most difficult part in Creation . Pekara not easy to be able to form a circuit seh a simple song but includes listener feel terrible reactions Enjoy Watching the Big Bang faster than Death Metal rhythm . As if not run out of ideas to make Cathy and Easy touch her ??, " Festival of Death " next remains a dish that Arresting Adrenaline concentration to respond to Enjoy ! you know , hear the difference between notes , Preventing coherent riffs from being composed . This alone pretty much damns the material from ever being in regular rotation from me really was a promising start . and " Altar Prostitution" would have known really since introduced to the " Promo CD 2012 " is now played back with " Rotting Garbage Being " certainly with more Killing Touch with 9 Track here . As if indeed Present Internal Bleeding through torture Hearing gw "Slaughter Norms of God " , is more aggressive and punched through the massacre Slam Beat Breakdown steady ! Remember how it Became the prototypical breakdown for just about every song that came out NYDM for , oh , a decade after it ? Well , Internal Bleeding Cleary was riding that wave hard , Because every track has that same! Growl roar may Aris Feel On the verge of getting it, let alone Lekik an Insane Scream really vocal Torturing ! As if Kaluman Provides tirelessly in 9 Composition , circuit courts Groove Death Metal Black Fantastic , We are indeed at Pamper Treat Mature once with this dynamic . Sound & Production Better yet progressively refine the full release of this first became a Masterpiece Mandatory and Serious To The Slammer True Death Metal . The performance / production : Decent and dissapointing , respectively ! ! !

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