Indeterminable - Damage Effect
Self-released/independent EP 2012
01 The Pain Is Cleansing
02 The Origin of Illness
03 Nothing' s For Free
04 Pure Distilled Ruthlessness
05 To Break The Deadlock (demo 2012)
06 Life Turns Into Fear (demo 2012)
Disaat scene Russia masih didera demam Booming Slamming Death Metal, rupanya masih ada beberapa musisi lainnya tergerak untuk ingin lebih tampil lain dan beda dengan Konsep musik yang ga bisa melepas Kedasyatan elemen Death Metal-nya, seperti halnya Band asal Daerah Chistopol ini, Indeterminable justru asyik dengan gaya Death Metal yang Groovy dan sentuhan padat gaya Hardcore beatdown kereennn !!! dan inilah selama ini gw cari2 karena memiliki komposisi yang asli keren buat menggeleng2kan kepala ketimbang gaya Slamming Death Metal yang bagi Gw hari ini semakin terdengar membosankan ! pengaruh Kuat beberapa pendahulunya seperti Internal Bleeding, Dying Fetus, Dyscarnate, Misery Index, Entorturement dan Soils Of Fate sangat kental sekali dalam aransemen musiknya yang kerap menampilkan elemen Catchy dan Headbanging party ! dan band ini lebih enjoy menyebut musiknya sebagai " Beatdown Death Metal ". Trio Chistopol asli kerap mengajak kita untuk berslammosphit act pada penampilan panggungnya. meski bukan sebuah Sentuhan genre baru, karakter musik mereka ini tergolong diramu dengan cukup apik dan enerjik gaya Grooving-nya ! sebelumnya 2 Materi promo sudah mereka kenalkan sejak band ini terbentuk, dan masih dengan kocek sendiri, dirilislah secara independen untuk Ep " Damage Effect " semakin untuk memperlihatkan eksistensi mereka dikancah Extreme metal. menyuguhkan 4 lagu baru dan 2 lagu dari demo 2012 selama durasi 00:19:36 memang terkemas secara cuma2 bila elo ingin mendapatkannya dengan jalan mengunduh Gratis di Official FB mereka. " The Pain Is Cleansing " langsung mengajak gw untuk headbanging dengan slam groovy Part yang asyik langsung mengingatkan gw dengan Gayanya Internal Bleeding Banget, Down Stompin Beatdown yang kerap di susupi dengan Intense Blastbeat mantap menciptkan total fucking slammy moshpit crowth banget ! bagaimana Komposisi Riffing-nya yang terhitung simple lebih banyak mengajak dalam suasana Moshpit banget. " Nothing' s For Free " juga ga kalah keren komposisinya, sebagai salah satu Fans berat Gaya slammin Groovy beatdown, gw sangat terkejut sekali dengan kemunculan band ini dan sayang kalau pertama kali melihat Artwork kover band ini menjadi rada Kurang tertarik, sempat gw kira band Hardcore ato Thrash memang hehehehe, tapi nyatanya Gw salah besar banget deh ! This is Nice Fucking Beatdown Death Metal Perverse !! Partisi Riffing-nya masih terus menawarkan Stompin Groovy Part headbang teruss Yeahhh !!!! " Pure Distilled Ruthlessness " terus semakin kental Beatdown death metal masih dengan gaya bernyanyi Dying Fetus era " Stop At Nothing " sekali, bahkan kadang dinyanyikan dengan gaya sing a long pula, semakin menambah pula Kesan Bernyanyi Rap juga nih ... kemudian 2 lagu dari demo band ini memiliki materi yang berbeda pada sentuhan soundingnya, bahkan distortif elemen soundnya terasa banget karakter Death metal-nya ketimbang 4 lagu sebelumnya, bahkan sounding tracknya masih terdengar mantap 2 lagu dari demo 2012 hehehehe, tapi asli 6 lagu disini adalah faforite banget buat gw fans Slamming Beatdown Death Metal ! bakalan gw tungguin terus nih full album dari mereka, tersedia Ep ini secara gratis coy, makanya buruan unduh dan headbanger sendiri dengan 6 komposisi track kerennya ... B.A.H.A.Y.A !!!
IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)
While Russia still wracked fever scene Booming slamming Death Metal, apparently there are still some other musicians want to be moved to another and perform different musical concepts that can not remove elements of Death Metal Kedasyatan her, like Band from Chistopol this area, it absorbed Indeterminable with the Groovy Death Metal style and a touch of style solid beatdown hardcore kereennn!!! and here all this time i cari2 because it has an original composition created menggeleng2kan cool heads rather than slamming Death Metal style for today's increasingly Gw sounds boring! Strong influence of several predecessors such as Internal Bleeding, Dying Fetus, Dyscarnate, Misery Index, and Soils Of Fate Entorturement very thick once in a music arranger who often display elements Catchy and headbanging party! and more enjoy the band calls its music as "Beatdown Death Metal". Trio original Chistopol berslammosphit often invites us to act on his stage performances. although not a new genre of touch, the character of their music is quite mixed with pretty slick and Grooving his energetic style! previous 2 promo material they've introduced since the band was formed, and still with its own pocket, dirilislah independently for Ep "Damage Effect" is getting to show their existence Extreme metal arena. presents 4 new songs and 2 songs from the 2012 demo for the duration of 00:19:36 was packed in cuma2 when elo want to get it the way Free download their Official FB. "The Pain Is Cleansing" directly invite gw for Part groovy headbanging to slam a fun style is instantly reminded gw with Internal Bleeding Banget, Down Stompin Beatdown often in the infiltrated with Intense Blastbeat steadily creating slammy moshpit crowth total fucking brilliant! how the composition of his riffing simple counted more invites in a moshpit really. "Nothing's For Free" is also less cool ga composition, as one heavy Fans slammin Groovy style beatdown, i was very surprised at the appearance of this band and unfortunately that first saw the cover of the band's artwork became less attracted rada, i think the band had Hardcore Thrash ato does hehehehe, but in fact Gw wrong deh! This is Nice Fucking Beatdown Death Metal Perverse!! Partition riffing is still continuing to offer Stompin Groovy Part headbang teruss Yeahhh!!!! "Pure Distilled Ruthlessness" keeps getting thicker Beatdown death metal is a style of singing era Dying Fetus "Stop At Nothing" at all, sometimes sung in the style of sing a long too, also adds to Singing Rap impression too ya ... then 2 songs from the band's demo has a different material on soundingnya touch, even distorting elements soundnya Death metal was really his character than 4 songs before, even sounding tracknya still sounded steady 2 songs from the 2012 demo hehehehe, but here is the original 6 tracks faforite really make fans gw Beatdown slamming Death Metal! i going to stay close and hold ya full album from them, available for free Ep coy, so download and headbanger own game with 6 tracks cool composition ... D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S!!!!
Self-released/independent EP 2012
01 The Pain Is Cleansing
02 The Origin of Illness
03 Nothing' s For Free
04 Pure Distilled Ruthlessness
05 To Break The Deadlock (demo 2012)
06 Life Turns Into Fear (demo 2012)
Disaat scene Russia masih didera demam Booming Slamming Death Metal, rupanya masih ada beberapa musisi lainnya tergerak untuk ingin lebih tampil lain dan beda dengan Konsep musik yang ga bisa melepas Kedasyatan elemen Death Metal-nya, seperti halnya Band asal Daerah Chistopol ini, Indeterminable justru asyik dengan gaya Death Metal yang Groovy dan sentuhan padat gaya Hardcore beatdown kereennn !!! dan inilah selama ini gw cari2 karena memiliki komposisi yang asli keren buat menggeleng2kan kepala ketimbang gaya Slamming Death Metal yang bagi Gw hari ini semakin terdengar membosankan ! pengaruh Kuat beberapa pendahulunya seperti Internal Bleeding, Dying Fetus, Dyscarnate, Misery Index, Entorturement dan Soils Of Fate sangat kental sekali dalam aransemen musiknya yang kerap menampilkan elemen Catchy dan Headbanging party ! dan band ini lebih enjoy menyebut musiknya sebagai " Beatdown Death Metal ". Trio Chistopol asli kerap mengajak kita untuk berslammosphit act pada penampilan panggungnya. meski bukan sebuah Sentuhan genre baru, karakter musik mereka ini tergolong diramu dengan cukup apik dan enerjik gaya Grooving-nya ! sebelumnya 2 Materi promo sudah mereka kenalkan sejak band ini terbentuk, dan masih dengan kocek sendiri, dirilislah secara independen untuk Ep " Damage Effect " semakin untuk memperlihatkan eksistensi mereka dikancah Extreme metal. menyuguhkan 4 lagu baru dan 2 lagu dari demo 2012 selama durasi 00:19:36 memang terkemas secara cuma2 bila elo ingin mendapatkannya dengan jalan mengunduh Gratis di Official FB mereka. " The Pain Is Cleansing " langsung mengajak gw untuk headbanging dengan slam groovy Part yang asyik langsung mengingatkan gw dengan Gayanya Internal Bleeding Banget, Down Stompin Beatdown yang kerap di susupi dengan Intense Blastbeat mantap menciptkan total fucking slammy moshpit crowth banget ! bagaimana Komposisi Riffing-nya yang terhitung simple lebih banyak mengajak dalam suasana Moshpit banget. " Nothing' s For Free " juga ga kalah keren komposisinya, sebagai salah satu Fans berat Gaya slammin Groovy beatdown, gw sangat terkejut sekali dengan kemunculan band ini dan sayang kalau pertama kali melihat Artwork kover band ini menjadi rada Kurang tertarik, sempat gw kira band Hardcore ato Thrash memang hehehehe, tapi nyatanya Gw salah besar banget deh ! This is Nice Fucking Beatdown Death Metal Perverse !! Partisi Riffing-nya masih terus menawarkan Stompin Groovy Part headbang teruss Yeahhh !!!! " Pure Distilled Ruthlessness " terus semakin kental Beatdown death metal masih dengan gaya bernyanyi Dying Fetus era " Stop At Nothing " sekali, bahkan kadang dinyanyikan dengan gaya sing a long pula, semakin menambah pula Kesan Bernyanyi Rap juga nih ... kemudian 2 lagu dari demo band ini memiliki materi yang berbeda pada sentuhan soundingnya, bahkan distortif elemen soundnya terasa banget karakter Death metal-nya ketimbang 4 lagu sebelumnya, bahkan sounding tracknya masih terdengar mantap 2 lagu dari demo 2012 hehehehe, tapi asli 6 lagu disini adalah faforite banget buat gw fans Slamming Beatdown Death Metal ! bakalan gw tungguin terus nih full album dari mereka, tersedia Ep ini secara gratis coy, makanya buruan unduh dan headbanger sendiri dengan 6 komposisi track kerennya ... B.A.H.A.Y.A !!!
IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)
While Russia still wracked fever scene Booming slamming Death Metal, apparently there are still some other musicians want to be moved to another and perform different musical concepts that can not remove elements of Death Metal Kedasyatan her, like Band from Chistopol this area, it absorbed Indeterminable with the Groovy Death Metal style and a touch of style solid beatdown hardcore kereennn!!! and here all this time i cari2 because it has an original composition created menggeleng2kan cool heads rather than slamming Death Metal style for today's increasingly Gw sounds boring! Strong influence of several predecessors such as Internal Bleeding, Dying Fetus, Dyscarnate, Misery Index, and Soils Of Fate Entorturement very thick once in a music arranger who often display elements Catchy and headbanging party! and more enjoy the band calls its music as "Beatdown Death Metal". Trio original Chistopol berslammosphit often invites us to act on his stage performances. although not a new genre of touch, the character of their music is quite mixed with pretty slick and Grooving his energetic style! previous 2 promo material they've introduced since the band was formed, and still with its own pocket, dirilislah independently for Ep "Damage Effect" is getting to show their existence Extreme metal arena. presents 4 new songs and 2 songs from the 2012 demo for the duration of 00:19:36 was packed in cuma2 when elo want to get it the way Free download their Official FB. "The Pain Is Cleansing" directly invite gw for Part groovy headbanging to slam a fun style is instantly reminded gw with Internal Bleeding Banget, Down Stompin Beatdown often in the infiltrated with Intense Blastbeat steadily creating slammy moshpit crowth total fucking brilliant! how the composition of his riffing simple counted more invites in a moshpit really. "Nothing's For Free" is also less cool ga composition, as one heavy Fans slammin Groovy style beatdown, i was very surprised at the appearance of this band and unfortunately that first saw the cover of the band's artwork became less attracted rada, i think the band had Hardcore Thrash ato does hehehehe, but in fact Gw wrong deh! This is Nice Fucking Beatdown Death Metal Perverse!! Partition riffing is still continuing to offer Stompin Groovy Part headbang teruss Yeahhh!!!! "Pure Distilled Ruthlessness" keeps getting thicker Beatdown death metal is a style of singing era Dying Fetus "Stop At Nothing" at all, sometimes sung in the style of sing a long too, also adds to Singing Rap impression too ya ... then 2 songs from the band's demo has a different material on soundingnya touch, even distorting elements soundnya Death metal was really his character than 4 songs before, even sounding tracknya still sounded steady 2 songs from the 2012 demo hehehehe, but here is the original 6 tracks faforite really make fans gw Beatdown slamming Death Metal! i going to stay close and hold ya full album from them, available for free Ep coy, so download and headbanger own game with 6 tracks cool composition ... D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S!!!!
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