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Minggu, 24 April 2016

Waking the Cadaver - Beyond Cops. Beyond God CD 2010

Waking the Cadaver - Beyond Cops. Beyond God
Siege Of Amida / Candlelight 2010

01 Beyond Cops  
02 Reign Supreme  
03 Sadistic Tortures  
04 Made in Hell  
05 Boss Status  
06 Terminate with Extreme Prejudice  
07 Suffering Upon Revenge  
08 Waking the Cadaver  
09 Beyond God

THE FUCKING GREAT STUFF !!!! ... memang telah menjadi sesuatu yang mengejutkan banget dengan band Slamming Gore Groove asal Shore Points, New Jersey ini sejak materi " Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler " ditahun 2007, yang karya2nya kali ini menjadi lebih matang en Dassssyyaaaattt!!!!, angin segar memang mengantarkan mereka teken kontrak dengan label Deathcore berpengaruh Siege Of Amida Records yang menggandeng Kerjasama Distribusi internasional dengan Candlelight Records. " Beyond Cops. Beyond God " memang karya yang matang dengan Komposisi Musik yang lebih dasyat serta menendang keras metalhead dengan Slamming Gore Groove Brutal !! berangkat dari tahun 2006 dengan nama Death To Honor serta beberapa member band HadThisDayNotBeen, lahirlah nama Gahar seperti Waking the Cadaver yang Konsen memainkan Death metal Brutal dengan Part2 Slamming. " Beyond Cops " membuka awal CD ini langsung dengan terjangan mematikan Hypersnare mantap drummer Dennis Morgan yang makin Killer Skill permainannya menjadi lebih dinamis, apalagi Raungan Vokalis Don Campan lebih tampil Gokill banget dengan Karakter depth Guttural Gurgling Growl Powerfully abis terkadang sedikit juga bergaya Frank Mullen-nya Suffocation. enerjinya emang kian matang dialbum ini Coy! duet duo Gitaris dari band The Adept, Mike Mayo serta Rob Wharton sedikit banyak mengubah Konsep Musik band ini lebih tertata serta Intense melahirkan Part2 yang Heavy as Fuck, konsep musiknya seperti menjadi perpaduan antara Suffocation, Internal Bleeding Hingga Pyrexia Era album " sermon of Mockery " bangetz !!! di CD ini mereka bakalan menyiksa detak Jantung elo dengan 9 Nomor Total berdurasi 28:33 menitan yang memancing adrenalin headbanging serta Slamming kita saat mendengarkannya. Pokoknya Konsep Musiknya beda banget kalo elo bandingin sendiri dengan Nomor2 mereka sebelumnya, apalagi (lagi) karakter Vokal keren Mike Mayo amat sangat Menyita perhatian gw, This is GREAT FUCKING VOKILL !!!! so elo mesti Punya nich Album paling keren ditahun 2010 nantinya. Peran serta Joe Cincotta rupanya juga dianggap paling berpengaruh sebagai Produser album ini memiliki Konsep yang Mantap!!, Nikmati juga hasil Lukisan seniman Tony Koehl kembali menghiasi Artwork Cover album ini. jika elo Lebih menginginkan Konsep yang lebih Fresh perpaduan antara Suffocation, Internal Bleeding serta Pyrexia dengan lebih Powerfully, kayaknya " Beyond Cops. Beyond God "-nya Waking The Cadaver siap menjadi Stuff yang bakalan elo Sukai bangetz. some of the most blatantly heavy music combining the most furious of death metal, grind, and hardcore all in one unique display of power, catchiness, and aggression.

THE FUCKING GREAT STUFF!! ... indeed has become something of a surprise really with the band origin slamming Gore Groove Shore Points, New Jersey since the matter "Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler" in 2007, which this time become more mature and Dammmnnnnnn !!!!, fresh breeze did they deliver sign a contract with the label deathcore Siege Of Amida Records effect of holding an international distribution partnership with Candlelight Records. "Beyond Cops. Beyond God" is a mature work with a more terrible music composition and kicked hard metalhead with slamming Gore Brutal Groove! depart from the year 2006 under the name Death To Honor and several members of the band HadThisDayNotBeen, was born the name like Waking the Cadaver are concerned play Brutal Death metal with slamming Parts. "Beyond Cops" opened early this CD directly with the brunt of deadly Hypersnare steady drummer Dennis Morgan Killer Skill increasingly become more dynamic game, let alone the roar of vocalist Don Campan more appear Gokill really with Character depth Gurgling Guttural Growl Powerfully sometimes a little too stylish Frank Mullen- Suffocation her. emang its energy is more mature album Coy! Guitarist duo duet of the band, The Adept, Mike Mayo and Rob Wharton bit much to change the concept of music the band was more organized and a Heavy Intense childbirth Parts as Fuck, the concept of music as a blend of Suffocation, Internal Bleeding By Pyrexia Era album "Sermon of Mockery"  on this CD they are going to torture heart beats with 9 Number Total duration 28:33 minutes of fishing headbanging adrenaline and slamming us when to listen. Anyway concept of music is really different if you do compared own with their tracks before, let alone (again) character cool vocals Mike Mayo I really, really seize the attention, This is GREAT FUCKING VOKILL!! Got nich so elo have the coolest album later in 2010. Role and Joe Cincotta apparently also considered the most influential as a producer of this album has a concept that Sweet!!, Enjoy also the result of re-painting artist Tony Koehl Cover Artwork adorn this album. if you Prefer a more Fresh Concept blend of Suffocation, Internal Bleeding and Pyrexia with more Powerfully, I think "Beyond Cops. Beyond God" Waking The Cadaver was ready to become a going elo Stuff Likes. Some of the most blatantly heavy music combining the most furious of death metal, grind, and hardcore all in one unique display of power, catchiness, and Aggression. 

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